Ingen driftsforstyrrelser


Welcome to Furesø Vandforsyning

This is a private water supply company – owned by the users – and we supply all consumers living in Farum, Hareskovby, Jonstrup and Værløse. In the Municipality of Furesø the water supply is handled by Furesø Vandforsyning whereas Novafos is handling the rainwater and the sewage supplier.

As a new consumer at the address we strongly recommend you to sign up for a PBS-agreement (automatic payment) so that you do not have to worry about your future bill payments being paid on time. 

We send the bill collection once a year in February to consumers with an annual consume of water under 500 m3.

It is also important to us to have a valid e-mail address for you at all time in order to be able to contact you if needed. Once a year around the 15. of November you’ll receive an email from us concerning your obligation to read the numbers on the water meter and delivering the numbers to us.

You can also through our homepage sign up for our SMS-service in order for you to receive an SMS in case of emergency for example if the water supply is temporary down.  

As consumer you may wish to know more about our working methods. Members can participate in our annual general assembly in March. Here you can also run for board member.

If you wish to change next year’s estimated consumption you must contact our company in the period December to early February.